Trade shows can be expensive. It is important to plan out your marketing strategy in order to generate the maximum amount of prospects to visit your booth. Creating a trade show display that is attractive and captivating is the only way to achieve your trade show goal. Fabric back lit pop-up displays are one of the best display options that business can choose for all types of event marketing events.
A Fabric pop-up display uses a lighting system for a uniform glow that evenly illuminates the graphics. This display is economical. It uses wrinkle resistant fabric, attachable frame, and standard bulbs for the lighting effect. Setting up this style display on your own won't even make you sweat. It takes only a few minutes to assemble, including the light fixtures and is equally easy to take down.
In addition, these pop-up trade show displays are lightweight and portable for easy storage and convenience. This type of trade show display means ROI is much easier to achieve. Contact The Exhibit Source to find out more information on fabric displays.