


Trade Show Exhibits Made from Recycled Materials

- Monday, June 25, 2012

Think of the statement you could make at a trade show with a “green” trade show exhibit.  The whole objective of trade show displays is to attract the right clients by projecting the right marketing message. With a green trade show display, your marketing message could be twofold. “This is what we do, and we do it responsibly”.

Is your company going green and promoting sustainability with its marketing efforts?

The Exhibit Source has a full line of environmentally-friendly trade show display products: modular exhibits, graphics, and booth accessories. With the visual impact and durability you need, they are made exclusively with materials that are renewable, recycled, and recyclable from bamboo plywood and fabric made of recycled soda bottles.
Green trade show exhibits demonstrate your company's mission, marketing proposition and commitment to responsibility.  Contact The Exhibit Source, New England's exclusive distributor of high impact “green” trade show exhibits.

Social Media and Exhibit Marketing

- Monday, June 18, 2012

The results of the EXHIBITOR Magazine’s 2012 Social-Media Marketing Survey were announced recently.  New data shows that the percentage of marketers using social media in their trade show exhibit program increased by nearly 90%.
Eight out of ten marketers say their companies are currently using social media for a variety of purposes, including exhibit marketing (58 percent), event marketing (36 percent), and other general marketing purposes (67 percent).
Those tapping into the marketing potential of social-media applications claim increased brand awareness, enriched relationships with clients and prospects, increased booth traffic and event attendance, additional press coverage, and increased sales as direct results of their campaigns. Yet fewer marketers are proactively setting measurable objectives to track the success or failure of their online efforts.
The use of social media as a marketing tool has exploded over the past two years. Most respondents agree that social media is a powerful tool for face-to-face marketers. 
Comprehensive results of the 2012 Social-Media Marketing Survey will be published in the June issue of EXHIBITOR magazine.


Add Video to Trade Show Exhibits

- Monday, June 11, 2012

Trade show attendees expect more from the trade show experience these days. Advances in technology, design and lightweight materials have turned trade show displays into a very powerful marketing tool.
Incorporating strong video elements into your trade show exhibit is a good way of connecting with your customers – an eye-catching video is more accessible than a marketing brochure and transmits your message more effectively.
In an increasingly competitive marketplace, trade show exhibitors can no longer afford to ignore the powerful benefits of video presentations.
What type of video should you use in your trade show display?
Trade show display videos offer a unique opportunity to show off products and services to potential customers. For maximum impact, use a variety of testimonials, interviews, product displays and adverts.
You can use video to promote newly launched services and also can field video product demos without the cost of employing a demonstrator for the show.  Contact your customers and ask them to give you a video testimonial to use in your display. They will probably thank you for the free publicity.
Remember that your display is a gateway to your business. It is worthwhile preparing a good quality presentation.
Using a smartphone to capture video gives a powerful immediacy to your display. Imagine the impact of recording customer testimonials at the trade show and immediately streaming it through your monitors, or being able to present a live product display.

The viral effect of social media shares means you will reach far more people this way.
By using video in your trade show booth you will have clients at the show engaged with your business.  Once your trade show exhibit is compatible with video and technology, the possibilities for awareness and exposure are endless.

The Exhibit Source is a leader in cutting edge event technology. Contact us.

Lead Generation Ideas for Trade Shows

- Monday, June 04, 2012

With the right ideas, B2B marketers can leverage trade show attendance to refill their sales funnel, bring in new customers and boost sales revenue.

The #1 objective for trade show attendance is lead generation.

How you approach trade shows depends on your overall strategy.  Once you have a solid strategy in place, knowing which tactics to employ becomes easier.

We broke down the ideas into 5 broad areas, which are ideal for B2B marketers planning their trade show marketing:

1. Show Selection – Just because you’ve been to a show before does not mean that you should keep returning.  And you might want to consider other shows you haven’t attended.  Some of the best ideas that apply to B2B marketers include:

Go to fewer trade shows, but put more effort into the trade show booth staff preparation and promotions for each remaining show.

Track leads to determine and expand in the shows with the best ROI.

2. Trade Show Exhibit Design – Don’t think of your trade show exhibit as just a booth, but rather as a communications medium in and of itself.  At trade shows, there are many distinctive exhibits. However, there are often also exhibits so similar to one another that they are essentially invisible. Some exhibit design ideas from the list:

Design your exhibit to more boldly, and clearly say why attendees will benefit from working with you.

Put fewer elements on your trade show display, but make the remaining images and messages bigger and more concise.

3. Pre-show Promotions – If you don’t start driving traffic to your site before the show, you’re at a disadvantage from the beginning.

Use social media to reach more attendees.

Send half of something of value to attendees before the show, and promise to give the other half in your booth.

4. At-show Promotions and Activities – It’s easier to stand out at a trade show than you think!

Run presentations or video loops on large video monitors.

Get someone from your company to be a speaker at the show.

5. Booth Staffing – An investment of time and money in training your booth personnel may pay the largest dividends. Two more ideas:

Hold a contest to reward the staffers who take the highest quantity of qualified leads.

Prepare your booth staffers with several good engaging questions.

And to the author’s excellent 100 ideas I add just one more:  follow up after the show!

To create the best trade show exhibit at the show, contact The Exhibit Source.

Business 2 Community


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